when it rains - Tue, 07/13/2010
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Posted July 13, 2010 at 01:25 am


There were a few mishaps when we arrived in Hartford, but after our initial hazing everything went pretty smoothly. This past weekend we met a lot of folks, including Ryan Sohmer and Lar Desouza of Least I Could Do / Blind Ferret fame. They and their crew are very welcoming (and treated us to dinner!) - looking forward to crossing paths with them again in Montreal! I gotta say, I was impressed with how efficient they are. Ryan was very forthcoming with tips and info, and I really appreciated that! 

This past weekend was also a big success for Super Art Fight, which pulled the biggest crowd ever! Yuko won her bout against Yellow Peril's Jamie Noguchi ... that's going to make it awkward when we share a table at SPX

There are plenty of tees in the store, but this coming week we'll also be adding bookmarks and cell phone charms! Keep an eye out on Thursday. 

That's all for us! We'll see you in a few days!



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